/manager/Index ${session.getAttribute("locale")} 5 Structure-relaxivity mechanism of an ultrasmall ferrite nanoparticle T-1 MR contrast agent: The impact of dopants controlled crystalline core and surface disordered shell /manager/Repository/uon:39803 1 nanoprobe for noninvasive visualization of biological events. However, the structure–relaxivity relationship and regulatory mechanism of UFNPs remain elusive. Herein, we developed chemically engineered 3.8 nm ZnxFe3–xO4@ZnxMnyFe3–x–x–yO4 (denoted as ZnxF@Zn4Mn4F) nanoparticles with precise dopants control in both crystalline core and disordered shell as a model system to assess the impact of dopants on the relaxometric properties of UFNPs. It is determined that the core–shell dopant architecture allows the optimal tuning of r1 relaxivity for Z0.40.4F@Zn0.40.4Mn0.2F up to 20.22 mM–1 s–1, which is 5.2-fold and 6.5-fold larger than that of the original UFNPs and the clinically used Gd-DTPA. Moreover, the high-performing UFNPs nanoprobe, when conjugated with a targeting moiety AMD3100, enables the in vivo MRI detection of small lung metastasis with greatly enhanced sensitivity. Our results pave the way toward the chemical design of ultrasensitive T1 nanoprobe for advanced molecular imaging.]]> Wed 10 Aug 2022 13:11:25 AEST ]]> A weak L₂-gain property for nonlinear systems /manager/Repository/uon:21051 Thu 12 Apr 2018 13:58:00 AEST ]]> Nonlinear L<sub>2</sub>-gain analysis via a cascade /manager/Repository/uon:11652 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:10:39 AEDT ]]> Nonlinear L-2-gain verification for nonlinear systems /manager/Repository/uon:23618 2-gain has been extensively studied and applied in the analysis and control of both linear and nonlinear dynamical systems over the last few decades. The connection between this finite gain property and dissipation is well-known, and is fundamental to providing a verification mechanism for the property via solution of a related Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation. Motivated by an interest in broadening the applicability of finite L2-gain in the analysis and control of nonlinear systems, this paper presents a generalized verification mechanism that permits nonlinear gain functions to be incorporated in the notion of finite L2-gain.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:13:28 AEDT ]]> Magnetic-responsive Pickering emulsions based on MFe2O4 (M = Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn) for green and efficient oxidation of benzyl alcohol /manager/Repository/uon:55973 Fri 12 Jul 2024 14:31:02 AEST ]]>